a container for YOU + US + WE to expand into
restorative yoga, yoga nidrā, prāṇāyāma, self-massage, self-inquiry, and intentional, gentle āsana
the [vessel] is sealed
the winter 2022 offering of [vessel] is closed and sealed
if you’re interested in the next offering of [vessel], please stay connected via my newsletter.
with gratitude, A
[vessel] is
a warm virtual container for connection + care
a place to be held
a space to put down things that were never ours to carry
a holder of rest and inquiry
where we can feed our internal spark
[vessel] container holds:
all classes are informed by attendees needs + signs from the season and stars (tropical astrology)
bimonthly rest sessions
monday evenings 7:00p - 83op est
progressively moving through 3 yoga nidrā techniques, prānayama, and journaling
weekly morning 'spark sessions'
wednesday mornings (tentatively) 7:45a EST
30ish minute to light ourselves up with movement, prāṇāyāma, and self-massage
followed by tea + chat time
guided reflection, self-inquiry, + journaling
community connection hub
library of all classes + practices
[vessel] is for you if:
you are seeking intentional connection with self and others
you crave support during the winter months to restore and keep your inner light lit
want to nurture your relationship to rest, movement, breath, prāna and your innate divinity
desire to reflect nature in yourself and see yourself in nature
What People Have Said About Practicing with Adriana
Every class with Adriana offers me the opportunity to learn more, to go deeper, to more fully know myself and to commit more deeply to my practice and to my self-knowledge, in order to better serve my community and my own students, and to show up more authentically in my relationships with others.
— Claire Evans, Yoga Student + Yoga Teacher RYT 200
Adriana has truly helped me embody what it means to show grace for myself and others. Her warm energy is infectious and she lights up any room she walks in.
— Kiera Smalls, Meditation + Yoga Teacher, RYT-200
As a yoga practitioner ...You've taught me to remember to breathe, to be, to listen to myself without judgment, to reflect - to become better to bring goodness to the world. You've taught me to do what feels right in my body and not to worry about just "getting to the right pose." You've taught me that going slowly can be so meaningful on and off the mat.
— Elizabeth Zack, Kindergarden Teacher + RYT 200
in case you were wondering…
A short, sweet morning session with lite movement, good music, prānayama, and self-massage to light a little spark mid-week (i.e. when we might need it most). If early morning ain’t your time, know that recordings will be up by the next morning for you to get a little lit up on your own schedule.
a technique, a Goddess, and state of consciousness. fully supported by pillows in a comfortable supine position, the body is supported so that the physical self can find a state of deep rest. then awareness is guided in a particular way throughout the body so that the thinking mind can rest and you may have an experience of “awakened sleep”. it is also known as “yogic sleep”. it has many benefits for our bodies, minds, and nervous systems. here’s an article for more on the benefits.
the 4th limb of the 8 limb path of yoga. prānayama is the expansion of and engagement with the vital animating life force (prāna) through breathing techniques and practices. we engage with yogic breathing techniques that increase our well-being, self-awareness, and spiritual development. prānayama both connects us to our breath and affects our subtle bodies.
giving yourself a massage with yoga tune-up or tennis balls. also sometimes referred to as self-myofascial release, self-massage is a potent and empowering tool for managing stress and tension in the physical body. I took trainings in the Roll Model Method, you can look that up if you’re interested in more.
the art for [vessel] was commissioned by kelley nicole palmer. learn more about her and the significance and symbolism in this piece, ‘vessel’ here.
Within 24 hours! My intention is for them to be up as soon as possible.