breathe + rest: a sacred space for Black folks to rest
breathe & rest is currently on a breather
Please keep an eye on or sign up for my newsletter to be the first to know when breathe + rest and other virtual offerings return.
rest with us
the suggested pricing is $12-22
you are encouraged to pay what you can.
but if sending funds for class would create a barrier for you to attend, don’t worry about. sign up and join us! your rest + well-being is not tied to how much you can share monetarily. this call for funds is not meant to be transactional but an invitation for those who can as another avenue to support Black healing and wellness.
got questions?
all good, I got you. here’s a little welcome guide that walks you through all the main restorative shapes we’ll make in class. restorative yoga is one of the more accessible forms of yoga physically as we use the props to support passive, low to the ground poses.
sometimes, being still or accepting rest is still challenging. that’s okay. restorative and gentle yoga is still a practice. you are worthy of rest.
yoga nidra is many things: a technique, a Goddess, and state of consciousness. fully supported by pillows in a comfortable supine position, the body is supported so that the physical self can find a state of deep rest. then awareness is guided in a particular way throughout the body so that the thinking mind can rest and you may have an experience of “awakened sleep”. it is also known as “yogic sleep”. it has many benefits for our bodies, minds, and nervous systems. here’s an article for more on the benefits.
yoga is a system of practices that have the power to enhance our well-being, bring harmony to the many layers of self, and clear the path to the remembrance of our internal and eternal divinity. in breathe & rest, we focus on connecting with breath and prana [the vital life force carried by breath], gentle movement, restorative yoga, and yoga nidrā as a balm to rejuvenate physically, mentally, and spiritually.
at minimum have a couple pillows or yoga bolster, 2-3 blankets, and a place to rest. you don’t need anything fancy, in fact here’s a little video of me creating a supported savasana set up (or final pose of the class) without a single “yoga prop”
in greater detaill, have:
a yoga bolster (detachable couch cushions make great bolsters) or a few pillows (body pillows are great!)
All the blankets (they might be “yoga blankets”, couch throws, or towels. weighted blankets are great too)
2 yoga blocks if you have them
Layers like soft sweater and cozy socks
Something to write or create on and with
Any items that signify sacred space to you like herbs, crystals, plants, photos
class is always recorded and available for replay here. the password for this page is always included in the monthly breathe & rest reminder email. you can sign up for the mailing list here.
you can donate alongside us by either donating directly to the monthly mission or sending a pass along venmo as described above.
I’m grateful to have studied and learned to embody yoga nidrā under the guidance of Tracee Stanley and Chanti Tacorne-Perez in their Empowered Wisdom Yoga Nidrā School. Tracee is also the author of the brilliant book, Radiant Rest, which I highly recommend.
I’m grateful to all the work of The Nap Ministry guided by the revolutionary Tricia Hersey, The Nap Bishop. I invite you to beyond their memes and social media posts and step further into the depth offerings which are infused with the principles of Black Liberation Theology, Afrofuturism, Womanism, somatics, and communal care.
Written by Dr. Gail Parker, Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based. Stress and Trauma is a necessary, compelling, and informative read on the benefits of restorative yoga for Black and brown folks.
If you want more recommendations or have any questions, just shoot me an email here.
This work “breathe yourself into BEing” was handcrafted by kelley nicole palmer a creative, a space holder, a writer, and an advocate. You may have seen kelley’s and her work through on the ‘gram or Patreon.
her artist statement:
The layers and textures that make up the Black background symbolize the nuance and complexity of the black experience, the richness, and the depth of being black. Her face is split to represent the expansion of the inhale and within the breath there is space for things to bloom, the ease, like the pouring of honey, there is the reconnection to the earth and ancestral knowledge (represented by the African ritual mask). Also, the imagination is abundant and vibrant (represented by the pomegranate). From her nose hangs a piece of quartz ( representing the alchemy we reconnect to when we take control of this powerful life force).