breathe & rest starter guide
you’re here. & I’m so glad. I truly believe restorative yoga + breath + rest can be some of the most regenerative & nourishing practices to support us as we move through this tiresome world. In caring for ourselves, we care for the collective. And as Black folk, that is nothing short of radical & revolutionary.
join the breathe + rest weekly reminder / rest resource mailing list.
if you’re looking for more resources on restorative yoga, may I recommend the books Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Stress and Trauma by Gail Parker, Ph.D or Radiant Rest by Tracee Stanley. And while not technically in the realm of yoga, I would be remiss to exclude the work of The Nap Ministry who have been doing the radical + deep work at the intersection of rest + somatics + Womanism + Black Liberation + Reparations Theory.
some things to know.
— class consists of reclined + seated movement, pranayama [practices that seek to expand the vital life force energy known as prana through breathing techniques], and restorative yoga
— restorative yoga can help you learn how to rest deeply + relax the body and mind + receive quality rest + release what no longer serves
— restorative yoga postures are meant to be comfortable so that you can be held and stay for 7 - 20 minutes per pose
— yoga nidra is
some things that may happen:
— you may find a state of deep physical and/or mental relaxation.
— if you fall asleep that just means you needed some sleep! & if you’re a sleepy one like me but have to be up after the session set an alarm for 8:45p est.
— you may want to fidget or move, that’s ok. being still can be hard and that’s okay. remember you always have the invitation back to stillness. if this happens often you may want to do a little movement before class.
— emotions or sensation may come to the surface, that’s okay. all of you is welcome here.
some things you’ll need:
— 1 yoga bolster or 2 pillows or 1 couch cushion
— 2 blankets or more
— a chair or way to elevate the legs
— 2 yoga blocks
— layers like sweaters, socks, extra blankets for warmth
— candles or objects that signify sacred space
not required: stubborn pitbull
some shapes we’ll make & how to make them work for you!
pose #1: supported twisted child’s pose or side lying position
twisted child’s pose
[ anada balasana]
here the chest + belly + cheek are resting on the pillows or support with hips on the ground.
or side lying position
here the side body is laying on the pillows. this is a great option if you don’t want to be lying directly on your belly for any reason (pregnancy, sensitivity of the chest, etc). *not pictured, you can place a pillow or the blanket roll under your head for more support.
oh & about them legs
you may have noticed that in the first pose there’s no blanket between the legs and there is in this one. for some the blanket brings the knees more hip-width apart + may be more comfy. it’s up to you + your body.
pose #2: supta baddha konasana | reclined bound angle
an option
here the legs are in bound angle [think gym class butterfly stretch] and are supported by one rolled blanket. if that feels good & there’s no pull or stretch, great! if not let’s try….
another option
here the legs are have a little higher support, one folded / rolled blanket under each leg. this may be enough support or you may want a yoga block [or big book] underneath the blanket for even more support. if this shape isn’t your jam, we have….
another+ option
here the legs are bent, feet on the ground about hip-width apart, and knees resting on one another.
pose #3: final relaxation or savasana | corpse pose.
with some pillows
here I use the pillows + blanket roll to create a little lift underneath the knees
with a chair
here I use the chair + some pillows to elevate the legs even further. this is a variation of corpse pose + legs up the wall. don’t tell the others but this is my (and my low back’s) favorite variation!
a little heart lift
if laying flat on your back for more than 5 minutes isn’t comfortable, you can create a little lift using two blocks under your pillows. one block on it medium setting for the head + one on it’s lowest setting under the upper back.
ok that’s it!
I’ll explain all of this during class but this little guide is always here for your reference.
please note: this guide was created as a little labor of love & is for your individual use only.