the art of [vessel]

I knew when the seed of [vessel] was sprouting that I had no interest sitting and crying in front of canva to come up with a “flyer” and instead I wanted to support Black creatives and their art. In comes kelley nicole palmer a creative, a space holder, a writer, and an advocate. You may have seen kelley’s and her work through on the ‘gram or Patreon.

This piece entitled “vessel” was handcrafted and each aspect of the image holds deep meaning and was chosen with such intention. Please read kelley’s statement and explanation of this piece that has held such inspiration for this vessel.

This thriving Black being finds themselves in a stark black and white environment, that symbolizes the upheaval, grief, loss and languishing that we have all experienced in the last 22 months. All around them, they are being invited to remember and reconnect to the magic they hold (symbolized by the flowering branch) and the vessels that are tumbling down the page, each containing their own magic. They are also being invited to take in al that continues to bloom in spite of our current experience.

- kelley nicole palmer